Brent Daglish
// WriterBRENT DAGLISH is an author who is Christian but not all his writing is stuck in that genre’ as his first book was a post-Apocalyptic novel. Since first being published in 2014 he has written 10 in that series, as well as 2 Christian Novels, 2 Christian teaching books, an Anthropological novel and an Historical novel set in NZ. There are about 40 ideas in the pipeline. Describing a dream one night Brent was told by someone that he write a book about it, exactly the way Brent described the story verbally. In that regard, Brent’s books are ones where readers say they can see what is there without is being described like most authors who try so hard to describe everything in minute detail, leaving no room for personal interpretation and imagination.
Photo: Brent Daglish