
DOWNLOAD Competition Reference Sheet 2024 PDF

DOWNLOAD Competition Reference Sheet 2025 PDF

Competition Information – Be In To Win!

Entering our competitions is beneficial for members for a variety of reasons. Our competitions provide a challenge and motivate writers to learn and improve their craft. Often the topics and genres provide an opportunity to try something new. Contestants receive individual feedback from our experienced judges.

Please note that in the past, our judges published their critiques for first, second and third place winning entries in The Christian Writer magazine, but now critiques are emailed privately to each contestant and only the judges’ general comments for each level are published.

Points are allocated to Level One, Two and Three place-getters in every magazine. Points earned are: 15 points for first, 12 points for second and 9 points for third. 

In Levels One and Two, every six months contestants’ points are added up so prizes for first, second and third can be awarded in each level. The monetary prizes awarded mid-year and at the end of the year are $60 for First Place, $50 for Second Place and $40 for Third place. Currently, Level Three points are only added up at the end of the year after twelve months work but from 2023, Level Three will be transitioning to the same six-month competition points and rewards system as Levels One and Two (for full details, scroll down to view our updated Prizes and Promotion Criteria).

Entries are judged on the following:

Contestants must be current members of NZCW and 16 years or over. The idea is to earn your way from Level One in steps up to Level Three.

To be promoted by the judges to the next level, a contestant must achieve at least three placings and consistently supply quality entries. Entries must demonstrate the contestant has been learning from the critiques and improving over a period of time. Level Three end of year overall monetary first prize winners qualify to become a Judge’s Assistant which means they are invited to train to become a Competition Judge for NZ Christian Writers.

Competition topics are on the inside final page of the magazine and on our downloadable Competition Reference Sheet 2024 which lets you know the topics for the entire year. Pick a topic and have a go!

Debbie McDermott: level1 [AT]


Level 1: Debbie McDermott: level1 [AT]
Level 2: Shirley Jamieson: level2 [AT]
Level 3: Julia Martin: level3 [AT]

Level 1: For new members and all other members who haven’t competed enough to be promoted to Level 2. Age limit: 16 years old or over.
Level 2: For the members who have been promoted by the judges from Level 1. Age limit: 16 years old or over.
Level 3: For members who have been promoted by the judges from Level 2 plus members on the Honours List. Age limit: 16 years old or over.

Entries are to be the sole work of the writer and no collaboration is allowed.

If you’re not sure which Level you are on, please contact the Competition Coordinator, Debbie McDermott, at: level1 [AT]

All entrants must be a Paid Member of NZ Christian Writers
There is a prize of: $60 for 1st Place$50 for 2nd Place, and $40 for 3rd Place.

Email entry as an attachment, complete with Word Count and your Name
Arial, 10 pt. Heading: Bold Title Case, 18 pt. Line spacing: Multiple 1.2
Paragraph Spacing: 
6 pt. Paragraph Indentation: None. Alignment: Justified.
Wordcount: Do NOT include titles, footnotes or bibliographies in the wordcount (unless informed otherwise) and ensure main content is no more than 5% above or below the wordcount. Maximum wordcounts must not be exceeded at all.
Send a photo of yourself for publishing purposes.

Your entry should be emailed to the competition judge as a Microsoft or Open Office Word document attachment, complete with word count, your name and your locality, by the 1st of the month prior to the magazine’s publication date. Only one entry per entrant is allowed in any given issue of the magazine.

Level 1 contestants who achieve overall 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in the first three competitions of the year will be promoted up to Level 2. Level 2 contestants who achieve overall 1st or 2nd place in the first three competitions of the year will be promoted up to Level 3. Level 3 contestants who achieve overall 1st place in the first three AND the last three competitions of the year will be promoted to the Honours List. At the end of the first three competitions of the year, all contestants go back to zero points for the final three competitions of the year and the process of working towards being promoted to the next level begins again. There will be a mid-year and end-of-year awarding of certificates and prizes in the form of gift vouchers to overall Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 winners. To be promoted to Level 2 or 3, contestants must receive points at least three times on their current Level. The judges also require regular entries plus improved writing.


LEVEL ONE – Email entry to Debbie McDermott at: level1 [AT]

DECEMBER – due November 1st

Using Luke 14:13 as your key point of reference, write a true or fictional story on inviting the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind to a Christmas banquet and describe what effect it has on them. Use fictional names if the story is based on fact. (450 words)

LEVEL TWO Email entry to Shirley Jamieson at: level2 [AT]

DECEMBER – due November 1st

Write an article by one of the shepherds in Luke 2:8-20 for the imaginary Bethlehem Times. Include fictional names for the shepherds and tell of their reaction to seeing baby Jesus, but be factual to the Biblical account itself. (350 words)

LEVEL THREE – Email entry to Julia Martin at: level3 [AT]

DECEMBER – due November 1st

You are concerned about the eternal destination of some of your non-Christian friends and family members. Compose an email to send to each of them outlining the good news of the gospel and their need of a Saviour. Use simple language and a gracious approach. (300 words)


LEVEL ONE – Email entry to Debbie McDermott at: level1 [AT]

FEBRUARY – due January 1st

Write a comical story with a Christian takeaway message using the following homonyms (words that sound the same but have different meanings) at least once—
week | weak : find | fined : foul | fowl: bawled | bald : bare | bear : sight | site : here | hear
(500 words).

APRIL – due March 1st

Is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre the real location where Jesus was crucified, or was it on the skull-shaped hill outside Jerusalem? Research the topic, then write an article on your findings. Citations from your research may comprise up to 20% of the wordcount and you must include a brief bibliography. (400 words, excluding bibliography)

JUNE – due May 1st

Imagine you are a witness to Jesus raising the widow’s only son from the dead (see Luke 7:11-17). Write a first-hand account detailing how this event impacted you. (400 words)

AUGUST – due July 1st

Write an adventure story suitable for boys aged 13 to 15 years old. Use age-appropriate language and ensure your story contains plenty of action and excitement to engage and maintain the interest of your young readers. Also include a strong takeaway message they will remember. (500 words)

OCTOBER – due September 1st

Jesus said to the church of Laodicea, “I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends” (Revelation 3:20 NLT). Write an essay on what this statement means and how to apply it. Ensure you include a good introduction and conclusion. (400 words).

DECEMBER – due November 1st

Record the conversation two Christian friends are having about Christmas. As one approves of the festival and the other opposes it, ensure you clearly present both arguments in their dialogue and come to a satisfactory conclusion. At least 90% of the entry is to be in dialogues so take care to keep taglines to a bare minimum. (400 words).

LEVEL TWO Email entry to Shirley Jamieson at: level2 [AT]

FEBRUARY – due January 1st

Write a poem with a rhythm to show the natural beauty of New Zealand’s coast, bush or mountains. Describe how it draws you to the Creator. (Maximum 20 lines)

APRIL – due March 1st

“Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). At Bible study you and your friend have been learning about why John the Baptist announced that when he saw Jesus coming. Write a dialogue as if you are discussing it, bringing in the Passover in Exodus 12:21-28. (500 words)

JUNE – due May 1st

Share your testimony to show what inspires you to write. Have you received encouragement that would also encourage other writers? (400 words)

AUGUST – due July 1st

Describe a hobby or pastime you enjoy doing, showing what materials, tools and expertise or training you need. (400 words)

OCTOBER – due September 1st

Write a fiction story beginning with the sentence, “It was going to be a disaster – he just knew it.” Choose an imaginative title and a surprising ending to the story. (500 words)

DECEMBER – due November 1st

Write an allegory that highlights a biblical truth. An allegory is a story using fictional characters, such as animals or even inanimate objects, acting in imaginative ways to give a moral message to the reader. (500 words)

LEVEL THREE – Email entry to Julia Martin at: level3 [AT]

FEBRUARY – due January 1st

Write a review (suitable for The Christian Writer magazine) of a Christian book or film produced within the past three years. (300 words)

APRIL – due March 1st

Choose one of the seven ‘I am’ statements Jesus made to describe himself and what he did, as recorded in John’s gospel. Write a devotional based on your chosen statement and conclude with a takeaway message and short poem or prayer. (400 words)

JUNE – due May 1st

Write a poem in any format depicting the state of the world today but ending with the hope of the Christian believer. (24 lines maximum)

AUGUST – due July 1st

Write a précis of Stephen’s speech delivered to the Jewish Sanhedrin prior to his martyrdom, as recorded in Acts 7:1-53. (400 words maximum)

OCTOBER – due September 1st

Write a short story in which the main character’s life is drastically changed as the result of a sudden decision. Can be Christian or secular. (400 words)

DECEMBER – due November 1st

Choose a New Zealander you believe is worthy of an honour’s award. Tell us about the person and why you consider he or she deserves public recognition. (250 words)

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