
    How To Triumph Over Satanic Ritual Abuse

    HOW TO TRIUMPH OVER SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE is the second book in the trilogy Healing from Satanic Ritual Abuse. Satanic Ritual Abuse is a little known but devastating abomination which includes many atrocities. One of these is the brainwashing, or Monarch programming, of children. Mind control, how it functions, and the sexual trafficking that it serves are examined. Fragmentation, dissociation and the alter egos that form during torture, are defined and explained. How to appreciate, understand and care for alters in adulthood, and whether the survivor should remain a multiple or merge is discussed. The binary nature of the war between good and evil and the need to conquer as a Christian is supported by Biblical references. A chapter written exclusively for women suggests how to heal from the sexual abuse of childhood, and supporters of survivors are given ideas and encouragement. An extensive list for further reading is provided.

    Writer: Dr. Sylvia Pack

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