PREPARING FOR THE GLORY. We are living in the time the Bible calls The End of the Age. God is about to do awesome things that the prophets have been foretelling for 6000 years. Jesus is coming back and the Holy Spirit is preparing the Church for His return. Already there have been tremendous outpourings of His Spirit in times past but these have been lost or curtailed because there was no revelation on how to contain them. We need to know what the Bible says. The Bible gives us instructions and protocols on how to conduct ourselves as we walk in God’s presence. It is our guide. It is our protection. In this final hour of the outpouring of His Spirit we need to make sure that we stay within the principles and boundaries of His Word. God will never go beyond what the Word says or move outside of the character of His Word. If we do these things and embrace His moving in our services then we will be preparing for His Glory and this time it will not be lost.
Writer: Shirley Hall-White