Writer Profiles

Aidan Meerman

// Writer

AIDAN MEERMAN. Three hundred years ago, under intense persecution, Aidan Meerman’s Swiss ancestors fled the snow-walled alps for the lowlands of Holland. They were immigrants and adventurers – people who would rather abandon their home than their faith. Aidan likes to think they bottled some of that mountainous, free-thinking spirit and tipped a portion his way. A former speechwriter and public relations professional, Aidan has been a ghost-writer for public figures ranging from global executives to Hollywood propmakers and celebrity chefs. Writing fiction and Christian apologetics, his work focuses on themes of freedom, truth, language, and meaning, with a sharp dose of danger. Aidan’s first novel, Why the Nations Rage, was published in the USA, Canada, and New Zealand in December 2024.

Website: www.aidanmeerman.com
Photo: Aidan Meerman

    Why The Nations Rage

    WHY THE NATIONS RAGE is Aidan’s debut novel, and the gripping first instalment of his series The Second Psalm. Casey Cole is centuries old but hasn’t aged since his twenties—and yet death is never far away. Once a year a wasting disease rips through his home, a lonely city on a desolate island, deep in the South Pacific. A geneticist, Casey has spent decades hunting for a cure; only luck is keeping him alive. But when he discovers a strange script on a dead man’s body a dangerous new lead opens up. Unlocking its meaning could save countless lives—or get him killed. In this vivid dystopian thriller a desperate man clashes with a dark regime. Conformity holds the city together, and Casey is full of forbidden questions. The prize is eternal life. But is he willing to pay the price?

    Amazon: www.amazon.com
    Website: www.aidanmeerman.com
    Writer: Aidan Meerman

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