Writer Profiles

    Barbara Harry

    // Writer

    BARBARA HARRY. Raised in Hamilton, New Zealand, Barbara has discovered through her experiences in nursing, pastoral care and burnout, that waiting has a purpose. “It’s how we wait that matters,” suggests Barbara. Learning how to ‘be’ rather than to ‘do’ is a journey Barbara has been on since experiencing burnout. Observing the life-cycle miracle of the monarch in her garden became a personal metamorphosis. “The butterfly won’t survive if it’s assisted out of the chrysalis before due time!” Barbara admits that she loves words, especially puns, and The WORD, being strongly influenced by her paternal heritage. “I’m painting pictures with words, and giving images a voice.” Barbara is amazed at the creative juices flowing in her latter years. “I’ve been like a lady-in-waiting … through prayers and tears for years!”  Barbara’s creative juices flow into providing reflective spaces for people. This exudes from a passion to lead others, especially weary, battered pilgrims, to learn to reflect and experience Yeshua Messiah’s rest. Barbara currently resides in Hamilton.

    Website: www.refreshingstreamsministries.org
    Photo: Mike Trolove


      WAITING: Soul Transformation by Barbara J. Harry, Menuchah Press, 2023. Despite modern technology, many people in today’s world find ‘waiting’ to be a challenge. “Have patience!” or “Stop fretting!” Sound familiar? Join Barbara Harry in discovering the True Source of waiting in stillness and rest through this contemplative parable. Come wait with me … take your time. Key selling points • The first in a series of contemplative parables. The second one ‘Oasis: Soul Refreshing,’ is due for release in 2024. • First co-published with WildSide Publishing as ‘Waiting: Transformation of the Soul’ (2020). • Beautiful colour images with scripture and prose. • A devotional gift. To purchase, please visit: www.copypress.co.nz/shop/waiting-soul-transformation/

      Website: www.refreshingstreamsministries.org
      Writer: Barbara Harry

        Oasis: Soul Refreshing

        OASIS: Soul Refreshing. The pace of life in today’s world often contradicts our soul’s cry for replenishing and stillness. Feeling parched or stagnant? Need refreshing? This contemplative parable, the second in a series, is a must for anyone who longs to find the true Source of refreshing. The author presents an extension of her own journey of recovery from burnout, through creative prose, images and scriptural truth. Join the author on this journey. Press your PAUSE button – take your time …
        + An adult inspirational parable of a parched soul longing for water – the ‘Living Water’
        + Second in a contemplative parable series
        + Full of beautiful colour images of nature intermingled with scripture, poetry and prose
        + 52 pages, 190 x 180mm
        + A great devotional gift
        + A REAL NZ publication

        Website: https://refreshingstreamsministries.org/books/
        Writer: Barbara Harry

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