Carol Congalton
// Poet & WriterCAROL CONGALTON has been a follower of Jesus for over 42 years, being involved in Women’s Aglow, local churches, a speaker at Retreats, and also as a short-term missionary to India. In her retirement years writing poetry has come to the forefront, with Carol enjoying penning poems for both children and adults. Carol is married, has two sons and two grandchildren, who are now reading the poems back to Nana and who are also enjoying the unpublished books she has written for them. Having her own poetry website has been a great learning curve, as has been sharing her posts on two poetry blogs, one based in the UK and the other in the USA. Carol’s poetry is eclectic and diverse and covers many genres and poetry forms such as haiku, quadrilles, free verse, constanzas, haibuns, schuttlereims, shardormas and cinquains, to name but a few.
Photo: Carol Congalton