Janet Balcombe
// Publisher, Writer & SpeakerJANET BALCOMBE conquered a feral Meth-addiction in another life, and her memoir The Wild Side continues to bring hope to many. The Ashton Wylie Literary Award finalist lives a supernaturally restored life with her husband and son in Ruawai, Northland. She comes out to forage for food and for speaking engagements, encouraging others with her life experience and humour. She loves seeing people set free from the many bondages they find themselves struggling with, and together with husband Ray Curle, ministers in healing and deliverance. Janet writes true-life stories and about the things that matter, lifting the truth above the quagmire of deception called ‘enlightenment.’ She writes for the rebels, the addicts and the broken-hearted.
Website: www.janetbalcombe.com
Photo: Janet Balcombe