Neil Evans
// WriterNEIL EVANS is a lawyer, mediator, Sports chaplain and writer. He lives in Whangamata with his wife Jan. At one point in his career he worked as Assistant Attorney General in Tarawa, the capital of the Republic of Kiribati. It was during this period of two years that Neil developed some ideas for writing. His first book ‘A Dangerous Legacy’ – search for the wakazashi which was published in 2014 and includes a fictional account that took place during the battle of Tarawa in November 1943. Neil followed this story with ‘Greed’ published 2019 which is a crime/thriller set in a fictional Pacific Island country. His latest book is a unique story that pulls down the heresy which is the prosperity gospel. He considers ‘Snake Oil’ his best yet with an important message warning of the dangers in following a false teacher who is in it for the gold, glory and girls.
Photo: Neil Evans